Monday 29 March 2010

And they’re off!

After an emotional farewell to our flat this morning we attempted to lift our somewhat overladen rucksacks, carrying them all of 10 metres to the car before a relaxing journey down the M40 into the big smoke to the start line for a marathon journey – St. Pancras International.


The obligatory farewell to our families was suitably emotional – not a dry eye in the station! Having picked up our tickets for the super-fast tube train we sped through check-in at the last possible  moment, settled into our seats, and waited for the inevitable ‘technical difficulty’ at Ebbsfleet International (probably leaves on the line) to be resolved before speeding to Belgium!


Our noble steed


Gooning around at St. Pancras

IMG_8770 Trains, rails and wires going past really fast – a summary of the Eurostar

IMG_8771Yerr – made it to Brussels

The arrival in Brussels was very smooth, however the three quarters of an hour attempting to work the Brussels Metro ticket machines and finding the right tram was probably not our finest 45 minutes!!! Doesn’t bode amazingly well seeing as the instructions were actually in English – I blame it on the champers on the Eurostar! Anyway, made it to our hostel eventually – basic but clean (a bit like me – at the moment anyway) and we’re typing this from the fairly chilled out (other than some raucous American girls going bananas on the drinking games) lounge in the hostel. Plan of action tomorrow is for a visit to Brussels’ finest chocolate emporiums and sample the produce just to make sure it’s all fit enough for consumption for all of you back home – how noble of us!!!
